Vase with 24 Roses


Every time you want to express your love, give red roses, what better than this beautiful and elegant floral design made on a glass vase with

  • 24 roses
  • Green Foliage

Ideal for lovers.

Mensaje en tu Tarjeta Regalo *


The elements that make up the Vase with 24 Roses, such as bases, decorations, boxes, wines, chocolates, balloons, stuffed animals, flowers, fruits and colors, may differ from the reference image, and these are subject to any changes required. depending on availability, however we do our best to please our customers even in the smallest details.

We suggest that you accompany this Vase with 24 Roses with chocolates, stuffed animals or wines to make your detail even more special, in the next step of the purchase you can add these products to your order if you wish.

Additional information

Dimensions 20 × 50 cm

1 review for Vase with 24 Roses

  1. Spanish
    5 out of 5

    Juli Quizhpi

    Wao excelente servicio
    Desde el momento de mi llamada y el proceso de mi pedido la atencion fue genial
    Tienen un carisma super especial para atender al cliente y te asesoran super bien con el proceso de pago
    Quede muy satisfecho porque me hicieron el arreglo a mi gusto y con todo lo que pedi
    Del envio ni hablar super rapido y en el tiempo que me dijeron
    Mil mil gracias y bendiciones para los dueños y empleados

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