Floral Arrangement More Roses


Give this beaut Floral Arrangement More Roses on a wooden base, decorated with

  • 80 roses
  • Birds of paradise
  • Green Foliage

Mensaje en tu Tarjeta Regalo *


Send this Floral Arrangement More Rosest to that special someone and let them know how much you miss them. Without a doubt, this arrangement will make a great impression on the person who receives them.

The elements that make up the floral design such as bases, decorations, boxes, wines, chocolates, balloons, stuffed animals, flowers, fruits and colors may differ from the reference image, and these are subject to any changes required according to the availability, however we do our best to please our customers even in the smallest details.

Additional information

Dimensions 45 × 50 cm

1 review for Floral Arrangement More Roses

  1. Spanish
    5 out of 5

    Nelson Riano

    Excelente sitio web. Hay muy buenas opciones y los precios son razonables. El proceso de compra fue fácil y el sitio web es amigable y funcional. La entrega a domicilio fue rápida y el producto de muy buena calidad. Muchas gracias a la Floristería!

    Excellent web site. There’re really good choices. Prices are affordable. Web site is intuitive and friendly. Very satisfied with delivery. Excellent product quality. Thanks a lot Floristería!

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